I am an expert of biomedical engineering. I have exceeded decade years’ experience of medical device research and development. My BS degree is Biomedical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University and I obtained master and doctor degree at Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University.
I have medical physiology expertise and electronic information engineering expertise, and have more than 10 years of practical experience in the industry, familiar with system integration and design planning, and long-term investment in biomedical related equipment and software systems. After many years of experience in production, research and research, I specialize in research and development of practical technical details, specializing in product planning, research and development integration, product practice, R&D management practice, reviewing detailed technology, familiar with international standards and regulatory requirements related to medical equipment, and possessing project leadership management and Technological innovation ability, from EVT, DVT, PR, MP to sales, rapid development of medical equipment that can be certified by medical, can lead the team to develop commercial medical equipment and system equipment.
(1). 修習台大資工研究所「專家系統」課程,獲學習成績 92 分。
(2). 使用 CLIPS 程式語言建構「休克(Shock)輔助診斷專家系統」,輔助急診醫學應用。
(3). 發表期刊論文:
Cheng, Y.P.*, & Chou, A. N. G. 2011 April, Bi-level weights sum method for shock diagnosis, Expert Systems with Applications Vol.38 Issue 4, pp. 4497-4504. (SCI, 2017 IF=3.768, Rank=20/132 15.15% in subject categories COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)
(1). 修習台大資工研究所「專家系統」課程,獲學習成績 92 分。
(2). 使用 CLIPS 程式語言建構「休克(Shock)輔助診斷專家系統」,輔助急診醫學應用。
(3). 發表期刊論文:
Cheng, Y.P.*, & Chou, A. N. G. 2011 April, Bi-level weights sum method for shock diagnosis, Expert Systems with Applications Vol.38 Issue 4, pp. 4497-4504. (SCI, 2017 IF=3.768, Rank=20/132 15.15% in subject categories COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)
臨床評估報告 Clinical Performance Evaluation Report, MEDDEV 2.71 Rev. 4, 2016.
我在 2018 年公司的 CE 稽核時完成了 Clinical Performance Evaluation Report, MEDDEV 2.71 Rev. 4, 2016.的撰寫。因為是最新的修正,連稽核老師也不知道詳細內容,只能要求我方完全按照文件內所要求的內容全部都要寫上去,這真的是艱難的任務,但我還是完成了。
MDR 法規將取代醫療器材指令(Medical Device Directive, MDD, 93/42/EEC)和主動植入式醫療器材指令(Active Implantable Medical Device Directive, AIMD, 90/385/EEC),將原先醫療器材指令整合、升級成法規(Regulation),藉此提高對歐盟成員國的約束力。新法規大幅提升有關醫材認證的規範與限制,例如關於醫材分級便增加至超過 20 條規範,增加醫材追溯性、臨床試驗規範嚴謹度、臨床證據的掌握度與增加上市後的產品安全性與效能監督。
其中,增強臨床評估與臨床證據監管。MDR 要求醫材製造商必須進行臨床性能(performance)研究,依器材風險等級提供其安全性及性能相稱的臨床證據,並收集、保留上市後的臨床資料,以持續評估產品的潛在安全風險。
屬 Class Ⅲ 醫材與植入物,若需進行實質相等性(substantially equivalent)比對也有更嚴格的規定,(1) 僅能與製造者自己生產的設備進行比對;(2) 欲與其他製造商的設備進行相等性比對,雙方必須先簽訂合約方可進行。
Clinical Performance Evaluation Report, MEDDEV 2.71 Rev. 4, 2016.這份報告,並不是一般人就可以寫得,是有規範撰寫人的資格的:
MDR 法規將取代醫療器材指令(Medical Device Directive, MDD, 93/42/EEC)和主動植入式醫療器材指令(Active Implantable Medical Device Directive, AIMD, 90/385/EEC),將原先醫療器材指令整合、升級成法規(Regulation),藉此提高對歐盟成員國的約束力。新法規大幅提升有關醫材認證的規範與限制,例如關於醫材分級便增加至超過 20 條規範,增加醫材追溯性、臨床試驗規範嚴謹度、臨床證據的掌握度與增加上市後的產品安全性與效能監督。
其中,增強臨床評估與臨床證據監管。MDR 要求醫材製造商必須進行臨床性能(performance)研究,依器材風險等級提供其安全性及性能相稱的臨床證據,並收集、保留上市後的臨床資料,以持續評估產品的潛在安全風險。
屬 Class Ⅲ 醫材與植入物,若需進行實質相等性(substantially equivalent)比對也有更嚴格的規定,(1) 僅能與製造者自己生產的設備進行比對;(2) 欲與其他製造商的設備進行相等性比對,雙方必須先簽訂合約方可進行。
Clinical Performance Evaluation Report, MEDDEV 2.71 Rev. 4, 2016.這份報告,並不是一般人就可以寫得,是有規範撰寫人的資格的:
ANSWatch 心律大師 中醫應用
心律大師利用腕帶內獨家特製的生物感應器(美國,台灣,中國大陸專利),直接測得手橈動脈(卽中醫師把脈處)之血壓波完整的動脈血壓波型,蘊含有多重生理資料,包括心肌收縮打血,大動脈閥(Aortic Valve)開合,二尖瓣膜心閥閉鎖,及周邊血管阻力等。
心律大師利用腕帶內獨家特製的生物感應器(美國,台灣,中國大陸專利),直接測得手橈動脈(卽中醫師把脈處)之血壓波完整的動脈血壓波型,蘊含有多重生理資料,包括心肌收縮打血,大動脈閥(Aortic Valve)開合,二尖瓣膜心閥閉鎖,及周邊血管阻力等。
ANSWatch 心律大師介紹
我之前曾協助推廣心律大師,特別建立一個專業的部落格 HRV and ANS 心跳變異性 與 自律神經檢測,並設計 DM 進行推廣。
我之前曾協助推廣心律大師,特別建立一個專業的部落格 HRV and ANS 心跳變異性 與 自律神經檢測,並設計 DM 進行推廣。
My Current Work -- Proton Therapy System 質子治療系統 (質子刀)
我現在的工作是開發目前最先進的癌症精準放射治療系統-質子刀(proton therapy system),負責最核心的控制系統規劃與設計開發,這是結合同步輻射與放射治療的領域,我從理論基礎開始學習到加速器控制系統的規劃與設計,並同時要符合FDA 510(k) 的要求。
Medical engineer/R&D Department,
• Research and development of proton therapy system for Precision Radiotherapy.
• Planning and establishing Accelerator Control System (ACS) of “iProton”.
• ACS subsystem integration and controlling:
◦ Ion Source system
◦ LINAC system
◦ Magnet power supplier system
◦ RF synchrotron ring system
◦ Beam diagnostics
◦ Master timing system
◦ B-Train system
◦ Vacuum system
◦ Cooling system
◦ Interlock system
• SCADA network monitoring system and Database development.
• Integration of ACS, TCS (Treatment Control System), OIS (Oncology Information System), Dose Delivery System, Robotic Couch System, etc. for proton therapy.
• LabView programming and establishing software system for ACS.
• Software V&V (Verification and Validation).
Medical engineer/R&D Department,
• Research and development of proton therapy system for Precision Radiotherapy.
• Planning and establishing Accelerator Control System (ACS) of “iProton”.
• ACS subsystem integration and controlling:
◦ Ion Source system
◦ LINAC system
◦ Magnet power supplier system
◦ RF synchrotron ring system
◦ Beam diagnostics
◦ Master timing system
◦ B-Train system
◦ Vacuum system
◦ Cooling system
◦ Interlock system
• SCADA network monitoring system and Database development.
• Integration of ACS, TCS (Treatment Control System), OIS (Oncology Information System), Dose Delivery System, Robotic Couch System, etc. for proton therapy.
• LabView programming and establishing software system for ACS.
• Software V&V (Verification and Validation).
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