有幸與羅氏的工程師合作過, 真的獲益良多。要多了解產業的動態,才能知道這些成功的公司的成功之道。
My research paper 我的研究論文
Research paper
Wen-Chin Chou, Yi-Ping Cheng. 2012. A hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach for evaluating website quality of professional accounting firms, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 3, 15 February, Pages 2783-2793.(SCI, 2011 IF=2.203)
Wen-Chin Chou, Yi-Ping Cheng. 2012. Evaluation of teaching hospital websites: an integrated three-stage fuzzy MCDM approach, Knowledge Based System, Revised.(SCI, 2011 IF=2.422)
Cheng, Y.P.*, & Chou, A. N. G. 2011 April, Bi-level weights sum method for shock diagnosis, Expert Systems with Applications Vol.38 Issue 4, pp. 4497-4504. (SCI, 2011 IF=2.203)
Y.P. Cheng, H.D. Wu, G.J. Jan, and C.Y. Wang. 2001 March, Adaptive method for removing cardiac beat artifact in esophageal pressure measurement, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 1-8. (SCI, 2010 IF=2.374, rank=19/69)
Yi-Ping Cheng*, 2000, Medical expert system assisted physician diagnosis, MD News, Vol. 19, pp. 27-29.
Yi-Ping Cheng*, Huey-Dong Wu, Cheng-Yi Wang and Gwo-Jen Jan. 1999 Nov, Removal cardiac beat artifact in esophageal pressure measurement, Medical & Biomedical Engineering & Computing, Vol. 37, pp. 776-783,. (SCI, 2010 IF=1.791, rank=24/97)
Y.P.Cheng*, T.C.Wu, C.C.Chen and G.J.Jan. 1998 July/August, Design and Implementation of a Microprocessor-Based Ventilator Monitoring and Recording System in ICU, Journal of Clinical Engineering, Vol.23, No.4.
Kao, Shih-Dean, Cheng, Yi-Ping, Tai, Yu-Yuan, Jan, Gwo-Jen. 1996, Development and implementation of a simple digitizer for morphometry, Measurement Science & Technology, 7/8, pp. 1182-1186.
Y.P.Cheng, G.J.Jan, I.K.Fong, Y.C.Huang, H.D.Wu, Y.Z.Tseng, C.Y.Wang. 1994 Computer aided physiological monitoring system with graphic user interface, Biomed. Eng. Appl. Basis Comm. 6, 932-935. (EI, SCIE)
Wen-Chin Chou, Yi-Ping Cheng. 2012. A hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach for evaluating website quality of professional accounting firms, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 3, 15 February, Pages 2783-2793.(SCI, 2011 IF=2.203)
Wen-Chin Chou, Yi-Ping Cheng. 2012. Evaluation of teaching hospital websites: an integrated three-stage fuzzy MCDM approach, Knowledge Based System, Revised.(SCI, 2011 IF=2.422)
Cheng, Y.P.*, & Chou, A. N. G. 2011 April, Bi-level weights sum method for shock diagnosis, Expert Systems with Applications Vol.38 Issue 4, pp. 4497-4504. (SCI, 2011 IF=2.203)
Y.P. Cheng, H.D. Wu, G.J. Jan, and C.Y. Wang. 2001 March, Adaptive method for removing cardiac beat artifact in esophageal pressure measurement, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 29, pp. 1-8. (SCI, 2010 IF=2.374, rank=19/69)
Yi-Ping Cheng*, 2000, Medical expert system assisted physician diagnosis, MD News, Vol. 19, pp. 27-29.
Yi-Ping Cheng*, Huey-Dong Wu, Cheng-Yi Wang and Gwo-Jen Jan. 1999 Nov, Removal cardiac beat artifact in esophageal pressure measurement, Medical & Biomedical Engineering & Computing, Vol. 37, pp. 776-783,. (SCI, 2010 IF=1.791, rank=24/97)
Y.P.Cheng*, T.C.Wu, C.C.Chen and G.J.Jan. 1998 July/August, Design and Implementation of a Microprocessor-Based Ventilator Monitoring and Recording System in ICU, Journal of Clinical Engineering, Vol.23, No.4.
Kao, Shih-Dean, Cheng, Yi-Ping, Tai, Yu-Yuan, Jan, Gwo-Jen. 1996, Development and implementation of a simple digitizer for morphometry, Measurement Science & Technology, 7/8, pp. 1182-1186.
Y.P.Cheng, G.J.Jan, I.K.Fong, Y.C.Huang, H.D.Wu, Y.Z.Tseng, C.Y.Wang. 1994 Computer aided physiological monitoring system with graphic user interface, Biomed. Eng. Appl. Basis Comm. 6, 932-935. (EI, SCIE)
我的生醫電子產品與雛型機開發經驗. My development experience of bio-electronic product.
(1). 『插卡式電子聽診器(Recordable Electronic Stethoscope Using SD Card)』產品(已開模)。
(2). 『可攜式腕式生理監視系統(Portable wrist physiological monitoring system)』雛型機(Mockup)。
(3). 『可攜式肺音監測系統(Portable lung sound monitoring system)』雛型機。
(4). 『可攜式模組化心肺生理監測系統(Portable modular cardiopulmonary physiological function monitoring system)』雛型機(Mockup)。
(1). 『插卡式電子聽診器(Recordable Electronic Stethoscope Using SD Card)』產品(已開模)。
(2). 『可攜式腕式生理監視系統(Portable wrist physiological monitoring system)』雛型機(Mockup)。
(3). 『可攜式肺音監測系統(Portable lung sound monitoring system)』雛型機。
(4). 『可攜式模組化心肺生理監測系統(Portable modular cardiopulmonary physiological function monitoring system)』雛型機(Mockup)。
我的軟體系統與醫療資訊系統開發經驗. My development experience of software system.
My development experience of software system. 我的軟體系統與醫療資訊系統開發經驗
(1). 使用 LabVIEW 與 NI TestStand 開發及建構量測/驗證系統 (software test framework)。
(2). 開發嬰兒睡眠監測系統 (Infants care system),包含 LabVIEW、 Access 資料庫、SQL 語言、雲端資料儲存。
(3). 使用 Matlab、C/C++ 開發非接觸生理監測演算法。
(4). 使用 Matlab 開發適應性濾波演算法與 FIR 濾波演算法進行食道壓之心跳雜訊濾除研究。
(5). 研究電燒機韌體開發 (C 語言)。
(6). TI MSP430 韌體開發 (C 語言)。
(7). STM32 (ARM 核心) 韌體研究 (C 語言)。
(8). 使用SCO UNIX上發展 X windows 人機介面,整合加護病房內生理監視器、呼吸器與輸液幫浦的資訊 (C 語言、Motif X window、SQL 資料庫)。
(9). 使用CLIPS語言完成一套shock輔助診斷專家系統。
(10). 參與衛生署新竹醫院『門診數位叫號系統』計畫。
(11). 參與衛生署新竹醫院『血液透析行動照護系統』,使用Labview 開發自動體重量測系統。
(12). 使用Labview 開發DVD光碟片自動測試系統(DVD-chip auto-detection system)。
(13). 使用Labview 開發X光機電源可靠性自動控制系統(automatically reliability test system of X-ray generator)。
(14). 使用Labview 開發可攜式腕式生理監測系統軟體(portable wrist physiological monitoring system.)。
(15). 使用Labview 開發 ODT (Optical Doppler Tomography) 量測平台。
(16). 使用Labview 開發肺音監測系統軟體 (lung sound monitoring system)。
(17). 使用Labview 開發電子聽診器之心肺音監測系統軟體 (cardiac and lung sound analysis software for electronic stethoscope)。
(18). 使用VB開發1K*1K 乳癌用數位X光系統。
(1). 使用 LabVIEW 與 NI TestStand 開發及建構量測/驗證系統 (software test framework)。
(2). 開發嬰兒睡眠監測系統 (Infants care system),包含 LabVIEW、 Access 資料庫、SQL 語言、雲端資料儲存。
(3). 使用 Matlab、C/C++ 開發非接觸生理監測演算法。
(4). 使用 Matlab 開發適應性濾波演算法與 FIR 濾波演算法進行食道壓之心跳雜訊濾除研究。
(5). 研究電燒機韌體開發 (C 語言)。
(6). TI MSP430 韌體開發 (C 語言)。
(7). STM32 (ARM 核心) 韌體研究 (C 語言)。
(8). 使用SCO UNIX上發展 X windows 人機介面,整合加護病房內生理監視器、呼吸器與輸液幫浦的資訊 (C 語言、Motif X window、SQL 資料庫)。
(9). 使用CLIPS語言完成一套shock輔助診斷專家系統。
(10). 參與衛生署新竹醫院『門診數位叫號系統』計畫。
(11). 參與衛生署新竹醫院『血液透析行動照護系統』,使用Labview 開發自動體重量測系統。
(12). 使用Labview 開發DVD光碟片自動測試系統(DVD-chip auto-detection system)。
(13). 使用Labview 開發X光機電源可靠性自動控制系統(automatically reliability test system of X-ray generator)。
(14). 使用Labview 開發可攜式腕式生理監測系統軟體(portable wrist physiological monitoring system.)。
(15). 使用Labview 開發 ODT (Optical Doppler Tomography) 量測平台。
(16). 使用Labview 開發肺音監測系統軟體 (lung sound monitoring system)。
(17). 使用Labview 開發電子聽診器之心肺音監測系統軟體 (cardiac and lung sound analysis software for electronic stethoscope)。
(18). 使用VB開發1K*1K 乳癌用數位X光系統。
Asthma Attack Detector DEMO Video 氣喘發作偵測測試影片
Asthma Attack Detector DEMO Video
The device will alarm when it detects the wheezing sound.
The device will alarm when it detects the wheezing sound.
My recently research and results 我最近的研究和成果
Department head (Acting head of department).
Create innovative technology R&D team.
Research and development of innovative medical device.
Research new technology.
Research and development of Blood Glucose Meter.
V&V for blood glucose meter.
Research for regulations of medical device.
Software Design Verification.
Team leader of LabVIEW programnming development.
Plan for software design verification (software engineering V-model) of medical device software integration and system testing.
Develop automatic test programs and system for verifying the software design of medical devices.
Cooperate with R&D team for reviewing customer's requirement specification, system specification and provide the revision suggestion.
Cooperate with R&D team for reviewing R&D team's software design and provide the revision suggestion.
Define verification plan, design test case, and analyze test result for improving design quality.
Contact with clients (Germen), Workshop and weekly meeting.
Head of System Software Department in Holux Co. Ltd..
Ultra-wideband (UWB) development of physiological monitoring instruments.
Software design.
Signal analysis and algorithm development.
Integration of vehicle electronics and medical electronics.
Drowsiness/fatigue detector for driver.
To conduct clinical test with the hospital cooperation.
R&D of Electrosurgery products.
Software design.
Firmware design.
To assist the GMP certification and new product development project Standard Operating Procedures.
Create innovative technology R&D team.
Research and development of innovative medical device.
Research new technology.
Research and development of Blood Glucose Meter.
V&V for blood glucose meter.
Research for regulations of medical device.
Software Design Verification.
Team leader of LabVIEW programnming development.
Plan for software design verification (software engineering V-model) of medical device software integration and system testing.
Develop automatic test programs and system for verifying the software design of medical devices.
Cooperate with R&D team for reviewing customer's requirement specification, system specification and provide the revision suggestion.
Cooperate with R&D team for reviewing R&D team's software design and provide the revision suggestion.
Define verification plan, design test case, and analyze test result for improving design quality.
Contact with clients (Germen), Workshop and weekly meeting.
Head of System Software Department in Holux Co. Ltd..
Ultra-wideband (UWB) development of physiological monitoring instruments.
Software design.
Signal analysis and algorithm development.
Integration of vehicle electronics and medical electronics.
Drowsiness/fatigue detector for driver.
To conduct clinical test with the hospital cooperation.
R&D of Electrosurgery products.
Software design.
Firmware design.
To assist the GMP certification and new product development project Standard Operating Procedures.
文章 (Atom)